CRM Easter Eggs Tubes
These are just some of the different combinations you can create! You have these options as everything is a separate layer:
Crack, face 1, face 2, face 3, legs 1, legs 2, legs 3, arms 1, arms 2, arms 3, horizontal stripes, vertices stripes, tie dye, egg.
These are for personal digital use and not for commercial use. Once you place your order, allow 24 hrs (usually sooner) for me to EMAIL you a PSD FILE containing these layers ( listed above) with a transparent background and no watermark. I will also assign a PERSONAL LICENSE NUMBER just for you to include in any creation you may make with these images. You must also include "© CUDDLY RIGOR MORTIS" and "CUDDLYRIGORMORTIS.COM in your creations as well.
Have fun!
If you do not hear from me within 24 hours, please check your spam/junk folder or email me at [email protected]